Art Show/Travel Schedule


See us at at upcoming show near you



February 2025:

·     2/8-2/9: 11th Annual St. Petersburg Fine Art Festival (St. Petersburg, Florida) **Booths 176-177**

·     2/15-2/16:  40th Annual ArtiGras Fine Art Festival (Palm Beach Gardens, Florida) **Booths 302-203**

·    2/21-2/23:  46th Annual Naples National Art Fair (Naples, Florida) **Booth 159**



March 2025:

·       3/7-3/9:  74th Annual Under the Oaks Fine Art Festival (Vero Beach, Florida) **Booth 58**

·      3/22-3/23:  28th Annual Downtown Stuart Arts and Crafts Festival (Stuart, Florida)


April 2025:

·      4/4-4/6:  63rd Annual Delray Affair (Delray Beach, FL). **Booths 405-406 (corner of Atlantic and NE 4th)

·      4/26-4/27:  40th Annual Melbourne Art Festival (Melbourne, FL)





**Check back often for additions/updates to schedule!**


Interested in traveling to Africa? 

Craig often gets asked the question "Which tour operator do you recommend?"~ If you are interested in the adventure of a lifetime in a Tanzanian safari, a relaxing visit to the beaches of Zanzibar, or climbing Mount Kilaminjaro, reach out to Craig for more information!